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Elisabeth is primarily the mother of 4 beautiful children. She paints when time allows it and reads and learns about all that is not really taught in schools.

As a young adult, the story, life, and work of Camille Claudel influenced Elisabeth to work in 3D. Clay, plaster, and some stone work were her creative expressions.

In her pre-motherhood life, Elisabeth used to work in advertising as a graphic designer and she has extensive knowledge in digital photo editing, illustration, and page layout.

While traveling to "foreign" countries with her best friend and artist, Julie Gauthron, Elisabeth started to draw. After having children she took drawing and painting classes at the Washington Studio School with Joe Weis and Diane Wilson (among other talented artists and teachers).

The combination of colors as a form of expression is an endeavor that Elisabeth pursues fiercely.

Her other passions have revolved around various forms of emotional and physical healing, and understanding what is not always in the main stream. Elisabeth is always eager to learn about the relationship between the mind and the body and has read many books by authors such as Caroline Myss, Art Martin, and, more recently, Joe Dispenza and Gregg Braden.

Elisabeth is a Reiki Master and is certified in Emotion Code (under Dr Bradley Nelson) and in Sacred Art and Yoga (under Hari Kirin Khaur).

Elisabeth started to practice Zhineng Qigong (ZQ) on a regular basis since 2018. ZQ was founded by Dr Pang. She is continuously learning from 2 teachers based in Malaysia. She took M1 and M2 trainings with Kean Ooi, and is working on her Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) capabilities with Pei Sew.